What is a Joined Gasket?

No doubt you have heard the word gasket before. They’re used in all manner of industries and come in many shapes, sizes, and forms. They can also be made from many different materials, including everything from paper to metal. Silicone rubber gaskets are commonly used for many applications, thanks to their robust properties and long-lasting nature.

Gaskets are typically used where two surfaces meet. If the manufacturer of the item allowed the two surfaces to touch, both surfaces might incur friction or wear – more so than would be ideal for the circumstances. If nothing sits between the surfaces, excess heat, fluid leakage, or other detrimental effects could be seen.

In another example, gaskets may be used to create a seal, so that the wind or rain cannot get in. A prime example of this would be the seals around a door. They provide a cushion between other parts of the door and the frame. They also make sure the elements cannot get in.

The difference between joined and standard gaskets

Joined gaskets are different to regular gaskets. A standard gasket is made from one sheet or piece of silicone rubber. Conversely, a joined gasket is made from two or more pieces of silicone rubber. These pieces cannot come from a single piece of rubber because of their shape.

For example, an application may require a gasket in the shape of a ring. However, this would not be enough to cover all the gaps or areas required. An additional part may be needed to fill that gap. Since the entire part cannot be formed from one piece of silicone rubber, the additional piece would need to be created separately. Once done, the two pieces are joined as if they were one – and indeed they will behave as if they are.

Is a joined gasket just as strong as a regular one?

You may assume that a join automatically weakens the item that requires it. Fortunately, silicone rubber is hard wearing. The formula used to create a piece of silicone rubber can be adjusted to reflect the unique situation that item will be placed in.

The good news is that just as all the pieces of the gasket are made from this rubber, so too is the joint. Oftentimes, the joint can be almost impossible to see because of the same materials used for the joint and the parts it brings together. If a specific grade of silicone is required for the gasket, the same grade would be used for the joint.

A sensible example would be the door seal used in an autoclave unit, a piece of machinery that uses steam inside a pressurised vessel. These are common in hospitals for sterilising medical equipment for reuse later. In this instance, the door seal must withstand the pressure inside the unit and the temperatures involved. A gasket formed from one piece of silicone rubber would not be the ideal shape for the door seal. In this case, then, a silicone rubber joined gasket is the perfect solution.